Fat Shredding Program

Fat Shredding Program' title='Fat Shredding Program' />Greek God Program for Muscle Building and Strength. The Greek God Muscle Building Program is my definitive guide to building solid, proportionate muscles and gaining mass without gaining fat. Here is the ideal Greek God physique, a lean and solid 8 9 body fat This program combines the best training progressions and nutritional strategies Ive ever used for gaining size while staying lean. The result is a rock solid, muscular Greek God body About the Workout Plan. The workout plan in the Greek God Muscle Building Program is likely VERY different from any other workout routine youve done in the past. Customer Programming Software Cps Software. First off, youre only lifting 3 days a week and on non consecutive days. I explain exactly why this is so effective for building strength and muscle in the full course, but its the one major change thats enabled me to hit the elite lifts Ive worked up to. The great part about this is that because youre not hitting the gym 5 6 days of the week, its incredibly easy to fit into any schedule. Page 1 This highintensity twoweek program will get you ripped just in time for beach season. Huge range of free fat loss workouts by industry experts Find the right workout for fast long term fat loss. Where most people struggle and fall out of most muscle building programs because they dont have the time and have to start skipping workouts Youll never have to worry about that. Second, the focus is around what I consider the key lifts for achieving the visually aesthetically stunning physique. By focusing on building strength in these specific movements, youll build the powerful upper and lower body that creates the Greek God look. In case youre wondering NO, you wont be doing crazy amounts of sets and reps every workout. No ridiculous amount of super sets, drop sets, or any other kind of set that blasts your muscles past fatigue. Thats a recipe for overtraining and it will stunt your growth. The Greek God Workout Routines in this Program. Strength Density Split. He was having drinks with his buddies on the back porch and must have forgot the windows were slightly cracked Ashley was inside nursing their newborn daughter as. This 3 week fat burning cycle focuses on lowcarb food choices and hardcore workouts that restrict rest between sets, finishing with intense 15 minute cardio sessions. Its always hard when starting a workout program like a 30 day challenge. Often times people complete the challenge and dont get the results they felt were promised. Fat Shredding Program' title='Fat Shredding Program' />Inside the Greek God Program, there are a few different routines. The main Strength Density split is meant to build solid, functional muscle like Brad Pitt in Troy 2. Specialization Routines. There are also a full series of Specialization routines that help bring up stubborn muscle groups. You can use these initially, or after developing a solid base with the Strength Density split. MEGA Training Workouts. The final component to this program is what Ive dubbed the MEGA workouts. MEGA stands for Minimal Effort Growth Acceleration training. These routines are meant to take your physique to a near superhero status like Chris Hemsworth in Thor Overall, this is a complete program that will help you develop the exact physique you want, regardless of problem areas, like stubborn muscle groups. The Muscle Building Nutrition Plan. The nutrition plan in the Greek God Program is geared towards eating at a surplus to build muscle, but in a structured way so the excess calories dont get stored as fat. Thats the one main problem I see most people struggle with when they try a muscle building diet they eat too many calories thinking they need the extra calories to support muscle growth, but what happens is those calories get stored as fat. In addition, but your calorie intake will change on days youre not lifting. Your body can only handle so many extra calories for building muscle before storing them as fat. Knowing exactly how to structure your macros and calorie intake is critical to making lean gains. Youll learn exactly how to set up your own nutrition protocol for building muscle without gaining fat in the process. What Results Are Possible The results youll experience using the Greek God Program will definitely vary. That said, the muscle building workouts youll use on this program WILL enable you to build strength, muscle, and bust through any plateaus youve been stuck at. Between the precise nutrition strategies and the highly effective muscle building protocols, you could completely transform your body. Like one of my clients Scott was able to do Its important to note that your results are solely dependent upon you and the work you put into it. Just like with ANY fitness program I can show you what to do, but you have to do it. What I CAN say though is that this program has helped dozens of people change their physiques, build more muscle, gain more mass, and stay leaner doing it than with any other program theyve ever used. Here is yet another testimonialThis is Trent, the winner of the Muscle Building division in the first ever Kinobody Transformation Contest. Trent was able to bring his physique from Warrior to GREEK GOD in just 3 months Check him out now Who is the Greek God Muscle Building Program for The Greek God Program is ideal for people that want to take their strength to a level they never knew they could achieve. Its for people that also want muscle definition and proportions WHILE staying absolutely shredded and maintaining a very high level of sex appeal. This isnt a program on just adding mass anywhere just to add mass. Microsoft Office Web Components Sccm Microsoft'>Microsoft Office Web Components Sccm Microsoft. Instead, its a focused approach to pack on rock hard proportionate muscle in the most aesthetically appealing way. In short, this is a road map for developing the body of a Greek God. And appropriately named, ehWho is it NOT forThis program is NOT for people that want to live in the gym, lifting for multiple hours 5 days a week. I get it Lifting can be addictive. Furthermore, the media and all these Gurus like on the top forums out there have convinced you that you need to  sweat it out in the gym 5 6 days a week to make gains. That, or youre not making gains unless you drop set everything and youre utterly spent every single day. Sorry, but thats just not how it works. The strategies and concepts in this program are proven to build lean, dense muscle using a specific 3 day per week protocol. Thats all it takes. If youre impatient and feel like going to the gym more than that will help you get the results faster, then this isnt for you. In fact, going to the gym MORE than recommended in my plan will actually hurt your gains. You MUST give your nervous system time to recover as well, which will enable you to hit every single workout totally fresh. The Greek God Program has been proven to work by countless people, so as long as you follow the strategies inside the program youll make the gains youre after without sacrificing a shredded physique. Side Note If youre not looking to make gains or dont care about building more muscle, then the Greek God Program probably isnt for you. Id instead recommend my Warrior Shredding Program, which is a program more for getting lean and incredibly shredded. If you have your workout routine dialed in and just want to drop fat, then you can also check out my Aggressive Fat Loss Program. Its the most brutally effective diet strategy Ive ever created. But if you want to make incredible gains while building muscle, strength and proportionate mass, then the Greek God Program is what Id recommend. What To Do Next If this sounds like its in line with your physique goals and what you want to accomplish, then the Greek God Muscle Building Program is right for you. If thats the case Click here to check out my proven Greek God Program.